Kate Winslet 获得英国 CBE 勋位爵士头衔

伦敦艺术大学广州招生代表处 | 2013-01-23

Kate Winslet collects CBE in Natalie Ellner hat

Kate Winslet 获得英国CBE勋位爵士头衔


奥斯卡影后著名电影明星凯特. 温斯莱特 Kate Winslet 获得英女王授予的 CBE 英国二等勋位爵士,表彰她在电影艺术领域中所做出的贡献。凯特以一身高雅的黑色套装裙出席典礼。其中,她头上所戴的一顶黑白色羽毛帽成为最大的亮点。此作品是出自英国著名帽子设计师 Natalie Ellner 之手。Natalie 经常为 Kate 设计各种不同的帽子,风格各异。本次的作品是由黑白色的雀鸟羽毛制作而成,凸显出了Kate 高雅的气质。另外,Natalie Ellner 也是伦敦时尚学院的校友,每次的新作品都会备受关注。



Kate Winslet 获得 CBE 勋章


Natalie  Kate 所设计的其他作品


There's something about a trip to Buckingham Palace that brings out the exhibitionist in some women. When Katharine Hamnett collected her CBE in June 2011, her red feathered Philip Treacy creation stole the show (and nearly took the Queen's eye out). Never one to be outshone, Kate Winslet opted for a similarly show-stopping creation to be honoured by Her Majesty today.

Looking the epitome of elegance in a simple, black, Alexander McQueen skirt suit and classic court shoes, to collect her CBE, Kate saved the drama for atop her head opting for a custom-made hat by up-and-coming mask-maker and milliner, Natalie Ellner.

It's not the first time Ellner, 31, who hails from Cornwall and works out of a studio in Hackney, has collaborated with Kate. After her work caught the Oscar-winning actress's eye back in the summer, she was commissioned to create a series of animal-themed sculptural headpieces - including a fox, badger, bunny and a peacock - for Winslet and her family to wear to a private event.

Today's unusual feathered creation was also inspired by birds, this time Magpies, but also Art Deco lamps, and of course, Kate's McQueen outfit.

"It's taken about a month to create, going backwards and forwards with Kate," Natalie explains. "She had a lot of input, it had to reflect her personality".


So did Kate brief her to make something that would make such a bold statement?

"It's such an important, once-in-a-lifetime occasion, it's nice to have a statement piece… this is what evolved."

It's fair to say that Winslet is Natalie's highest profile customer to date. After graduating from the Costume, Make-up and Special Effects course at the London College of Fashion, she spent seven years making prosthetic limbs for amputees at a private clinic before starting her line 'Ellsewhere' four years ago.


