
伦敦艺术大学广州招生代表处 | 2012-06-08

Working Mother of Three is an Inspiration to Asian Women



Tasnim Nazeer,伦敦艺术大学新闻学专业校友,进入亚洲成就女性大奖提名名单。身为三个孩子的母亲,她工作勤恳,为 CNN 等多家媒体采写报道文章,内容涉及人权、国际间相互信任和理解以及全球金融话题等领域。因其大量并卓有见地的工作,被行业同仁广泛关注。


A HARDWORKING mother of three has been nominated as one of the most inspirational Asian women in the country.


Tasnim Nazeer, of Walton Avenue, South Harrow, is on the shortlist in the media category of the Asian Woman of Achievement Awards, for her freelance work and human rights journalism.


The 25-year-old has written articles for CNN, The Huffington Post, Business Media Group and Islamic Finance Magazine. She has covered issues such as promoting interfaith understanding as well as on global finance and has done enough to be noticed by judges, alongside esteemed BBC journalists and authors.


In addition to a brimming CV, Mrs Nazeer is also busy raising three young children, Aleena, four, Amran two, and five-month-old Aamil.

“Having a family and working is difficult, I am not going to lie,” she said. “But people can do it.


“I am hopefully taking away some of the stereotypes of Muslim women. We can actually do something and benefit the community.”


Mrs Nazeer added: “I am writing articles so people have their voices heard. It motivates me to carry on writing for things that bring about a change.”


Mrs Nazeer’s extended family live close by and offer her support with the children while her husband, Alfath, works as a doctor in Northampton.


“I have to have very good time management skills,” she said.


“I am sometimes up finishing off at 3am, doing interviews and writing them up. But my family are supporting me and it’s great to have that.”


Mrs Nazeer, who was born in Harrow and has Sri Lankan heritage, has a degree in journalism from the University of the Arts London, and is currently studying for a degree in English literature and language ‘just to make it a little bit more difficult for myself’, she said.


She is also seeking a publisher for a children’s novel she has just finished.


The achievement award results will be announced at an awards ceremony on May 16 at the London Hilton hotel.




