Parade Ground at Chelsea

伦敦艺术大学广州招生代表处 | 2010-05-21

This year Burberry, the UK fashion brand, held its catwalk show during London fashion Week in a specially constructed tent on the Parade Ground at Chelsea. This video is about building the tent and gives you some excellent shots of Chelsea. The build took 7 days. The catwalk show, one hour!!
今年,英国著名时尚品牌 Burberry 在伦敦时装周期间为其 catwalk show 专门在切尔西艺术与设计学院的 Parade Ground 搭建了一个户外走秀舞台。 这个视频记录了整个搭建过程的精彩瞬间。整个建设过程足足花了7天时间,而 catwalk show 只花了一个小时!
